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Private Event Space

If there’s one thing we really love doing at Restaurant Cotton, its helping you put on a great event and throw the perfect party.  We have 4 beautiful rooms upstairs that can accommodate groups anywhere from 5 – 125 guests for a seated event or 150 guests for a reception style event with easy access to our balcony overlooking the Ouachita River. We also provide the use of our full-service pantry bar and have video production capabilities for slideshows or music. Please contact us or email for any questions you have regarding private events. We hope to see you soon!


Private Event FAQ

What types of events are you able to host in your private dining space?
  • Wedding Events
  • Corporate Events
  • Social Events
  • Seasonal Events
What are the capacities of your private dining space?

We can host groups anywhere from 5 – 125 guests for a seated event, 150 guests for a reception style event or even larger groups with a restaurant buyout.

Room Name with Seated Capacity
    • The Eli – 30
    • The Exchange room – 80

*Additional guests can be accommodated for cocktail/reception style events and multiple rooms can be used together.

How does the pricing work for private dining packages?

We offer pricing based upon consumption and per person. There is a food and beverage minimum for each room. Please contact to discuss a pricing structure best suited for your group and budget.

Do you have sample menus available?

We have several different plated and buffet style menus available or we can personally create something unique for your event. Download our info sheet above for menu ideas.

Do you charge room rental fees?

We do not charge a room rental fee if food and drink minimums are met.


Do you offer offsite catering?

We offer onsite and offsite catering in many formats. Receptions, cocktail parties, buffets & seated dinners are our specialty. We also offer corporate style grab & go menus.

I’d like to play music and a slideshow, is that possible?

We provide the use of digital projectors and screens at no additional charge. If you’d like book live music or bring in external speakers for events please speak with a member of our sales staff for requirements.

Book an Event

Please contact for any questions you have regarding private events or follow the link below to place an event inquiry. We look forward to helping you host a memorable event!

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